Widespread Panic - Barstools And Dreamers Lyrics

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Artist: Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic Author
Song Title: Barstools And Dreamers
Visits: 612
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Transcribed by:
Brian Whitman

(This transcription lies heavily in my interpretation of the song - the
lyrics in many parts are unclear, but my words sound right... see what you
come up with, let me know!)

(I'd also like to say that this was the overall hardest song to do - not only
because it's long, but also because there's so many puns and hard words to
understand completely - great tune with great poetry, though!)

The barstool's built for dreamers
Will fit fine, and find
All those in the world whose dreams have died
But tonight they're only taking thirsty people
Who've been pulling on their drinks
From a glass lies appaling quiet
And in the drink there swim the swimmers
And those who swims have dried
You take another look
Take another poll
Take another pull
Before you take a ride

Heir to an open barstool
Right there just wanna marry the fool
Mary sees the bartender's needs
And she sets in a bottle that she was born to be

I say that's cool
Just right - right for a fool

Thinking whiskey, she bought me a drink
I won't cross a word of what the lady thinks

Pray I don't cross what the lady thinks
No, she's been thinking out too loud, though
This time I can't hear the pinball machine
And there's a birdman playing tired sideway bongo
Pulling all those words down, down, down
Look at how the numbers grow

In the glass there rolls the iron ball
And the quarter states the toll, that's all
You take another look
Take another poll
Take another pull
Before you take a chance

Look at your hands
They're just ripe for a new kind of dance
Just forget what you're body's just done
And ride on the waves that the tounge's pressed on

Like as small as babies do
You know the little move on - babies do
If there's some food that the moon feeds on
Pray it won't hold it back - it won't hold it back

Baby doesn't know what I just said
Baby doesn't know the words that I just used
Babies haven't learned any words yet
Babies haven't even used giant words yet

People only think
People only talk
People only think in words they already know

Babies haven't learned any words yet
They know what people feel
They don't really care what the people think
They only care what the people feel
Music only knows what the people feel
Babies only care what the people feel

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