Widespread Panic - Coconut Lyrics

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Artist: Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic Author
Song Title: Coconut
Visits: 699
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I like coconuts
You can break them open
They smell like ladies lying in the sun
I like coconuts
You can break them open
They smell like ladies lying in the sun
And if I had my way
I'd give a coconut to everyone

I got a friend named Jack
Look like a bone in a paper sack
That's my friend Jack
C'mon Jack, smell these coconuts
There's enough for everyone
Jackie likes the smell of cut grass
He used to play ball on Saturdays
Playing in the sun
Jackie likes the smell of cut grass
He used to play ball on Saturdays
Playing in the sun
If Jackie had his way
He'd give some cut grass to everyone.

It's time to play
Never tasted such a sweet thing
Sweet memories my heart's repeating
Time today
Everybody's heart is beating
Everybody's smile is greeting
Everybody's soul is heating (eating?)

I know a guy named Fred
Look like a bone in a slanted shed
That's my friend Fred
C'mon Fred, smell these coconuts
There's enough for everyone
Freddy likes the sound of cold drink
He used to pop tops on Saturday
Sipping in the sun
Freddy likes the sound of cold drink
He used to pop tops on Saturday
He was sipping in the sun
And if Freddy had his way
He'd give a cold drink to everyone

Gonna follow my nose to where the coconut grows
Nobody knows like I know my nose knows
Gonna follow my nose to where the coconut grows
Nobody knows like I know my nose knows
Gonna follow my nose to where the coconut grows
Nobody knows like I know my nose knows
Gonna follow my nose to where the coconut grows
Nobody knows like I know my nose knows

I like coconuts
You can break them open
And they smell like ladies lying in the sun

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