Widespread Panic - Rock Lyrics

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Artist: Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic Author
Album: Widespread Panic (1994)
Widespread Panic - Widespread Panic Album
Song Title: Rock
Genre: Rock
Visits: 771
Print Version

Transcribed by:
Brian Whitman

Rock on my belly, lying on the bottom of the pool
I'm a rock on the belly, lying on the bottom of the pool
There's a man on the bank ten thousand years my younger
I see a face on the water one hundred hundred years my younger
But I can't go back - He can go back
I can't make back to where I came
As I hold my whole fire under

Legs 'till belly shaking the top of the pool
Legs 'till belly shattering the window of the pool
Mouth and belly sharing the fish down under
Tongue and belly scaring the snakes there too
But I can't go back - the dog won't go back
He won't run the path to his master's home
Said, why is there a bank over yonder

Well, the fish gonna make it home in a couple of days
The birds gonna make it home before this grit turns dry

Everybody's moving but me
Everybody's moving but me
I'm gonna make it home piece by piece

There goes my arms *make it home*
There goes my legs *make it home*
There goes my leadbelly

I'm a rock on my belly lying in the bottom of a pool
Rock on my belly lying in the bottom of a pool
Rock on my belly (x4)
Rock on my belly lying in the bottom of a pool

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Widespread Panic" album, click "Widespread Panic Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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