Wiedlin Jane - Blue Kiss Lyrics

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Artist: Wiedlin Jane
Song Title: Blue Kiss
Visits: 669
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A blue kiss coloring me goodbye
A new kiss could never feel so fine
Tomorrow I'll be livin in black and white
Why does it have to be such a blue kiss
When I kiss you
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you

Red lips kissin away my fears
A blue kiss bringin me back to tears
Why does it have to be such a blue kiss
Yea, these kisses are blue
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you

A prism of love surrounded us
Don't you see what our hearts knew
How can you chose a one-color world
When you know that I've got a rainbow for you

Last night a spectrum filled the sky
This morning it shattered with your goodbye
Why does it have to be such a blue kiss
When I kiss you
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you

Why does it have to be such a blue kiss
When I kiss you
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you
Why does it have to be such a blue kiss
When I kiss you
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you
Why did it have to be such a blue kiss
Yea, those kisses were blue
Now I color my world with a blue kiss
I've got kisses for you

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