Wierd Al Yankovic - Gump Lyrics

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Artist: Wierd Al Yankovic
Song Title: Gump
Visits: 567
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"Gump" by Wierd Al
"Lump" by The Presidents of the United States of America

Gump sat alone on a bench in the park
"My name is Forrest," he'd casually remarked
Waitin' for the bus with his hands in his pockets
He just kep sayin' life is like a box of chocolates
He's Gump, he's Gump
What's in his head?
He's Gump, he's Gump, he's Gump
Is he inbred?
Gump was a big celebrity
He told JFK that he really had to pee
He never feels too dumb because
His mom always told him stupid as is stupid does
He's Gump, he's Gump
He's kinda square
He's Gump, he's Gump, he's Gump
What's with the hair?
Run... run... run..., run, now Forrest
Run... run... run like the wind now
Run... run... run, run, now Forrest
Run... stop!
His buddy Bubba was a shrimp- lovin'man
His friend with no legs he called him Lieutenant Dan
His girlfriend Jenny was kind of a slut
He went to the White House, showed LBJ his butt
He's Gump, he's Gump
He's not too bright
He's Gump, he's Gump, he's Gump
But he's all right
Is this Gump out of his head?
I think so
Is this Gump really brain dead?
I think so
Did this Gump make lots of bread?
I think so
And that's all I have to say about that

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