Wig - Bullet Lyrics

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Artist: Wig
Song Title: Bullet
Visits: 613
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by Wig
"There's a bullet in my head....
Brain Candy tastin' lead"

And the blood that soaks my tongue
I've never felt so goddamn young
That I just look and walk away
And I clean the mess
And lead the dog that dragged the shit
God knows we've (??? Can't understand this ???)

Oh my Jesus!
Where did I go wrong!
My life was my own
BUt not for long!

Now it's done it's over like this
Here I lay, the world's all glazed (?)
Everything is much too tall
--MORE-- Now everything seems nothing at all
Can't beleive I made the move
I can't beleive I took the dive
Now there's a bullet in my head
Oh my god, I'm still alive!!!!

(weird talking shit... maybe I'll decypher that later...)

There's a bullet in my head
brain candy tasting lead
warm blood that soaks my tongue
I've never felt so goddamn young
I'll just look and walk away
And I clean the mess
And leave the dog that dragged the shit
God knows we gave him our best

Oh my Jesus!
Where did I go wrong!
My life was my own!
But not for long!
Oh my jesus!
It was right in my hand,
--MORE-- But I couldn't hold on!

Kill me, kill me!
Kill Me (through some weird distorted mike)
(moans of agony and more wird talking shit)

There's a bullet
In my head
Brain candy tastin lead
In the blood that soaks my tongue
I never felt so goddamn young
I can't believe I made the move
I can't believe I took the dive
Now there's a bullet
In my head
Oh my God, I'm still alive!
Oh my Jesuyus!
Where did I go wrong!
My life was my own!
But not for long!
Oh mY Jesus!
Where did I go wrong
It was right in my hand
But I couldn't hold on

Bullet Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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