Wiggins John And Audrey - Shes In The Bedroom Crying Lyrics

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Artist: Wiggins John And Audrey
Song Title: Shes In The Bedroom Crying
Visits: 507
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written by Jimmy Alan Stewart - Chuck Cannon

He's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying
He thinks he'll drown all the hurt that he's feeling inside
A river of tears is washing away her every reason for trying
And the distance between them is silence, anger and pride

They don't talk to each other
They're no longer lovers
They won't even say the three words that could keep love from dying
She needs a shoulder, he needs to hold her
But he's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying

He tells the bartender his problems and thanks him for listening
Then he orders more whiskey to have something warm he can hold
She picks up the phone, and calls up a friend and says she wishes she knew what was missing
Both of them ask the wrong people why their love's growing cold

They don't talk to each other
They're no longer lovers
They won't even say the three words
That could keep love from dying
She needs a shoulder, he needs to hold her
But he's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying

He's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying

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    And I know, I know..."
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  • If You Had A Heart
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    If you had a heart
    You wouldn't be breaking mine
    If you really cared..."
  • Memory Making Night
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    Ginger worked in a cafe
    Small town Tennessee
    The cook Joe was a little slow..."
  • New Mexico
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    The season for the rodeo is over
    And he's usually back home this time of year
    But I haven't heard a word since he called from Santa Fe..."

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