Wild Strawberries - Mei Mei Lyrics

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Artist: Wild Strawberries
Song Title: Mei Mei
Visits: 550
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Mama I don't want to run away
You know that I could never stay
If this letter never reaches home
I wave goodbye to you and mei mei
You know the placards and the common way
You wore the hat that never fades
You know the hatred for the grave
Of everything you lost that day
The rice grows faster than the hands can cut it down
I can see it rising in the wind
Withered palaces will never stop the rain from falling
In between the cracks until the cracks turn into veins
Flowing through another reign
Don't fear the truth that holds the world away
Don't fly the flag that never waves
I saw a soldier with his gun
Listening to the v.o.a.
I curse the poster in the people's way
I curse the bottle to its grave
And even so I know this rage
Connects me with the ones I hate
Time will lay its peonies upon your bed
Fate will hold you helpless in its net
And like a quickly fading song
How soon the world forgets

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  • At The Unicorn
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    You can be the mountains, I will be the wind
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  • Bet You Think Im Lonely
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    And I know that you have given me the eye
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  • Blunt
    "I don't want to be beautiful
    No one ever hears her speak
    I don't want to be a diplomat
    With a heart attack for peace..."
  • Borrowed Reflection
    "Like a cabbagetown rubby reaching for the copper on Bleeker Street
    Like a coconut commoner combing through the needles on any beach
    Like you want to know
    What you need to know..."
  • Bungalow
    "Joy is dancing like another thousand coming to my bungalow
    She's infectious and I think of heaven looking down on me below
    Don't think about tomorrow
    You'll never see today..."
  • California
    "My daddy was a banking man
    My mama was a thief
    My mama taught me how to stand
    My daddy taught me how to cheat..."

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