Wildhearts - Turning American Lyrics

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Artist: Wildhearts
Song Title: Turning American
Visits: 548
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Do you remember British achievement?
Living when times were good
Watching the start of the end of an era
And would you go back if you could?
When I was younger the smell of the hunger
In all of the music you played
Kept me believing you lived for the lifestyle
And not just the cash to be made

Cos it?s a place where people happen
It?s the corner of success
Everybody loves you
And you?re never second best
The smell of easy money
And you follow it to death
I smell the shit upon your breath

I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American
I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American

Walking away from the crumbling empire
Won?t make it grow anymore
Changing your style cos the radio tells me
How can you sleep?You?re a commercial whore

And you?d lick the steaming phallus
If it offered you a hit
They?ll clean you of integrity
And then they?ll make you fit
You?ll think you?ll glide to stardom
Then you show them what you?ve got
Your pride, your balls, they own your lot

I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American
I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American

I want to be American, I want to be a star
You should be over there, you should go far
But I don?t wanna learn cos I know it all now
You should be guaranteed to find out how

You?ll always be a wanna be
You look too far away

Cos it?s a place where people happen
It?s the corner of success
Everybody loves you
And you?re never second best
The smell of easy money
And you follow it to death
I smell the shit upon your breath

I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American
I remember you when you were an Englishman
But now you?re turning American
Turning American

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Other Wildhearts song Lyrics
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  • Abhoria
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  • And The Bullshit Goes On
    "Life, you think it's all in your hands
    You play tricks, manipulating the band
    You want fame, well here you are in the track
    And all without a spinal column in your back..."
  • Anthem
    "The lights are on
    The ships have gone
    I'm fine and dry and much to my relief
    I'm flying high..."
  • Baby Strange
    "Baby Strange
    What does it take to love you?
    Baby Strange
    What does it take to loathe you?..."
  • Be My Drug
    "Hold me, baby
    Try to think of how you made me
    Hold me, baby
    While the world gets bored and lazy..."
  • Beautiful Me, Beautiful You
    "Beautiful me, beautiful you
    So we?re strange, so what can I do?
    Silent green and asshole blue
    Beautiful me, beautiful you..."
  • Beautiful Thing You
    "And in the time it takes to feel
    I could swear that you get closer every day
    And my only hope is when it all comes real
    I don?t fuck it up and throw it all away..."

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