X Symphony - Prelude Lyrics

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Artist: X Symphony
X Symphony Author
Album: The New Mythology Suite (0)
X Symphony - The New Mythology Suite Album
Song Title: Prelude
Genre: Metal: Progressive
Visits: 712
Print Version

In articulus sic aeternus - Spiritus donec dies fas Dies Irae, Dies Illa - Solvet saeclum in favilla

(Born) into the moment that is Forever - To breath until that fateful day Day of Wrath, Day of Burning - All the world to ashes turning...

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Other X Symphony song Lyrics
  • Evolution (The Grand Design)
    "Born from the light - journey into the moment, delivered from thought and sky
    He will be one, one with the land - Lord of wind and the sea and the sands The one - The bringer of life
    "All will bear a part of me - let this hollow shell set your free to live as one"
    Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars the first to know and to understand Living by the Law of the Ages prophets and sages - forging Utopia..."
  • Fallen
    "Alone I walk, among the twisting
    tempted by the ancient magic, the Power
    of Five..."
  • Communion And The Oracle
    "All we know, now has come undone Balance lost between the Moon and Sun Hear out prayers - Keepers of the Skies Divine Upon us all - let your wisdom shine
    Losing faith as the madness prevails in us all we are searching for a reason, a need to calm the storm In our sails - let your winds be strong
    Breathe the air around you The oceans fill your veins and winds embrace your heart Feel the change within you The Sun and Moon align - The Grand Design awaits a new start
    From the skies, looking down on you Through the clouds tainted crystal blue "Such advancement, yet lacking the control, so unaware of your earthly roles"..."
  • Egypt
    "Endless sands of Alnantees - etched in gold, a city lost in time
    and from the sea - A Child speaks of things unseen,
    before the King - a teller of the Rhyme
    Five align - hidden in the word a message loched in time..."
  • Absence Of Light
    "Now at my feet, the dying voice of Balance - nevermore shall there be a way to fly, a way to fly on wings of Divinity, as words of wisdom fade away
    The Law of One will fade and die The rising Moon will crush the Sky
    So falls the Night - the darkest hour Seek and find all the secrets left for you Absence of Light - unbalanced power Only then will you know
    The hidden words - a piece of the puzzle - Time will tell what will be Between the lines, the past and future you will find - the ones and zeros are the key to unlock what's sealed..."
  • A Fools Paradise
    "What's become of the world
    The colors unfurl
    Revealing a blackened haze
    Conditioned to fear..."
  • Rediscovery (Segue)
    ""...and on the Eye of Alignment the everlasting
    battle of Darkness and Light descends to
    another plane, but, on this material Earth, we
    must look to a crime remembered only by a..."
  • The Damnation Game
    "Forever cursed by this game, he who plays with sin
    Incantations summoned up our creations
    We're players cast in this tale, believe it
    stranger than fiction..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The New Mythology Suite" album, click "X Symphony Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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