XDISCIPLEx A.D. - Shoot Our Wounded Lyrics

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Song Title: Shoot Our Wounded
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Why do we shoot our wounded I don't understand once when we were down and out he gave us his hand can't we give back to who has given to us I expect to stumble all my life i expect to pull through with strength in christ I will brothers together we should stand hand in hand why do we shoot our wounded I don't understand never turn my back on my brother i will never stand to watch you suffer I will reach out to lift you from this pain.

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Other XDISCIPLEx A.D. song Lyrics
  • Age Of Reason
    "The tightope I walk everyday you choose your own path and i'll choose mine you self centered life that's where I draw the line your age of reason you let me down show no discipline I'll kiss the ground age of reason let me down vanity and selfishness in shallow water I won't drown I won't kneel down for you and kiss your hand of hope i'll cope and deal with what's inside me not how you deceive to believe in your lies humanitys destruction is what you leave behind.

  • All Or Nothing
    "I'm not asking no more i'm begging i'm not condemning i'm understanding coming to the point of realization I fallow my heart this is my life and I will fight for what I believe I eiil not lay down and die I won't sell out and buy what this world is trying to sell to me all or nothing i've got to fight back i've come to the point where it's do or die I know it's not a lie i've crossed the line it's all or nothing i'm not asking i'm begging i'm not reaching i'm taking all or nothing.

  • Armachristi
    "crushing the serpent with his heel release false christ first seal mislead and rule the world and lead them into blindness then comes the war famine death anarchy now who can hide away from the judgement of God and who can stand against the wrath of God no man the hail and fire and blood burns up the earth and skies the oceans turn to blood and theres nowhere to hide then comes the dark murder torment anarchy

  • Baregrounds
    "influence runs thick the majority grips a strong controlling force with the absence of light they feast on your broken down soul maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed ignorance is no plea i offer you the saving truth you follow the herd led by a demon in shepherds clothing instead of leading you to pastures he leads you to baregrounds of abomination

  • Blood Feud
    "Take a good look at yourself.
    Your eyes always glaring always comparing
    you can't stop your starring because there's always something wrong
    Pull apart my heart, Scratch out my soul..."
  • Candy Apple
    "torn from the only thing i know broken off struggling to hold on burn me rip me tear me apart scalpel cuts and stabs digs in my lungs my face piece by piece limb by limb you refuse to listen todays society bends and tears the truth misinformed public abides with closed eyes ignorance bleeds through my short sold life i was flesh i was blood i had hands i had feet eyes that would see no more supply but deny whose right to kill whose right to murder my eyes begin to close open your eyes

  • Christ Shaped Vacuum
    "All my life natural desire a hole in my heart as wide as the sky my want as deep as any ocean my life avision of what could truly be to learn from my mistakes and truly see i've got this passion coming from my heart to leave this world behind for a new start I rip through things that do not cure they do not heal all they do is steal away all of my hope money steals sex cheats religion twists the truth to lies all I want from this life is to be whole and open my eyes but all I see when i look around is a love of death fascination of filth i've got to focus on what's real in my heart to leave this dead world behind for a new start.

  • Counterfeit
    "work hard every day working for whats right you want to count but its all in vain your daily deeds your everyday pleads all for nothing you live a counterfeit life all your longing becomes nothing gnash your teeth and waste away imitation of love counterfeit life...love


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