X-Perience - Magic Fields (album) Lyrics

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Artist: X-Perience
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Song Title: Magic Fields (album)
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magic fields

i've met the strangers at a place
more than a million miles away
they were so nice, so full of grace
i know they came from far away

now i'm walking on magic fields
i see the world is the only place to be

they took me to a foreign place
and then they thougt me to be strong
they told me not to go away
even if anything goes wrong

i love the world i wouldn?t leave
all the places we were born
i wait at midnight to receive
a final sign of their return


I am waiting for the night
drifting away
on the waves of my dreams
to another day
i am standing on the hill
and beyond the clouds
the wind is blowing still
and catching my doubts

A neverending dream
a dream of you
i believe i receive
a sign of you
tonite i wanna hide my feelings too
as you do
and i wanna be with you

I am hunting all the night
the slave to my dream
an illustrated scene
ascends in the steam
We're playing full of vice
our emotional game
I?m turning off my eyes
for hiding my shame

A never ending dream ...

I am watching all the flowers
dying away
in heated breath of live
at the dawning day
I am waking up in spring
and kissing your face
a sweaty burning thing
I feel your embrace


i'm looking for a mirror
to face my eyes
and realize
the beauty of youth
is the only thing worth having

i'm jealous of everything
whose beauty does not die
oh i'm jealous
of the picture the mirror
has painted

i beg for more
more than i can get
but i know i can't get by
with only a glance of my eye

beautiful day

its years since you've been leaving
the places we were born
i wake up i am receiving
a sign of your return

you gave me one good reason
to wait until you come
i'm waiting and i'm dreaming
we?re drowning in the sun

a beautyful day and a beautiful night
you drive me crazy when you hold me tight

i live my life so slow and
i'll walk while you will run
i slam the door behind me
the same way as you've done

the flowers you've planted
are growing in the light
they're waiting in the backyard
i visit every night

the roads i walked were winding
until you crossed my way
you gotta get back sometimes
and stay another day

you lead me to the backyard
to hold my body tight
i guess you'll be my lifeguard
you're always by my side

the moon

i left the light on
went out of my house
and sat on the stairs
the tv plays mtv
from somewere else

the moon will carry on
goin' up and down forever

the channel is changed again
a voice of a man
is telling the news
a hijacked plane
two children cryin' in the rain

the moon will never sacrifice
it's energy and light

the war in the east
is still goin' on
to kill anyone
a burning car
and bomb attacks in russia

circles of love

we dance in the desert
i feel a glance of your eye
the sun is burning on the sand
yearning bodies hand in hand

circles of love turn my head
i deserve and i'll get
all your lovin' tonight
and my fire will burn
innocence won't return

your face across the far sky
i loose myself in your eyes
i'm counting nights and days
waiting for the next embrace

i realize you drive
me crazy in my mind
love came face to face with life
all emotions in my mind
i try to cover try to hide

the night moved on

i went to a bar
to have a rest again
i saw him then
a smiling old man
came rushing in
he sat down close to me
and soon i could see
he's older than it seemes to me

and the night moved on and i got no sleep

his furrowed face
told a story of life
his restless eyes
kept his face alive
his face alive
his tanned skin did not tell of his age
i could see
he's older than it seemed to me

he left the bar
then he spoke to me
and i was captured
'cause now i could see
his way of life
he said little girl you'd better
do what you want
your life is too short to waste time

the sun

the sunrise in the east
every morning in my dreams
i turn the music on
and start to dance
with all my friends

the sun shines on my way
every night and every day
and takes the sorrows far away
so far away

the sunset in the west
every evening in my dreams
the party is going on
i love to dance
with all my friends

the sun shines on my way
every night and every day
a easy way of life
gonna make me dance
with all my friends

my life goes on

changes all around and everytime
and everything is changed in my head
i'm longing for a change
i wouldn't beg but for a change
i never will get
i spend my time in learning
everytime i learn i turn blue into red

my life goes on
i just wanna have fun
leaving shadows into the sun

i get in troeble with some friends of mine
they?ve told me there is no need to change
we quarrel it becomes a colder time
and now im freezing down to the bones
nothing changes but i've lost 2 friends
and that depends on changing myself

Magic Fields (album) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other X-Perience song Lyrics
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  • Am I Right
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    Am I wong
    Am I weak or strong
    Cant you see I am burning alive..."
  • Come Into My Life
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    Come into my life again
    I will get back to you and then
    You can take me right..."
  • Y2K01
    The year of our return into the light
    We gonna leave the bad days far behind
    Come with me and you will see..."
  • Magic Fields
    "i've met the strangers at a place
    more than a million miles away
    they were so nice, so full of grace
    i know they came from far away..."
  • A Neverending Dream
    "I am waiting for the night
    drifting away
    on the waves of my dreams
    to another day..."
  • Mirror
    "i'm looking for a mirror
    to face my eyes
    and realize
    the beauty of youth..."
  • Beautiful Day
    "its years since you've been leaving
    the places we were born
    i wake up i am receiving
    a sign of your return..."

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