X-raided - Still Shootin Lyrics

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Artist: X-raided
X-raided Author
Song Title: Still Shootin
Visits: 1102
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187, gang related, I'm accused
And after every court date my face is on the news
They say I wrote a song about a murder
I maintain my innocence, it's nothing but a coincidence
I'll admit it looks kind of shadey
from the outside looking in
The situation is serious but people don't comprehend
I was 17 years young back in '92
Facing 25 to life for something I didn't do
My song is supposed to be a big admission on my part
And they're using the lyrics against me when my trial gets ready to start
My songs are being misinterpritated
It ain't nothing but the D.A. trying to prove premeditated
They've got X-Raided stuck, majorly crossed up
The D.A. got a fucked up witness and my lawyer is a dump truck
I've been sitting in the county, three years have already went by
They're pressuring my Locs, trying to get them to testify
Snitching ain't no joke, it's hazardous to your health
When you point one finger at me, you're pointing three back at yourself
My homies got convicted for murder in the first degree
Ain't no doubt about it, they'll try to do worse to me
They take me in the court room in front of an all white jury
With the family looking me with barely concealed fury
My lawyer standing next to me, prepared to represent
And help me get convicted cause to him
I'm guilty till proven innocent...

Why they trying to give me deuce-5 to life?
They trying to give me 25 to life cause I'm guilty till proven innocent...

I open up the front page of the Sacramento Bee
And read the article that Dan McGrath wrote about me
He has his own opinion and it's his job to write it
I say he's being biased and completly one sided
The media write their stories

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Other X-raided song Lyrics
  • Misanthropy
    "I'm givin' it to you old school style, no album cover gimmicks,
    No intros, no shout outs, nothin' but straight lyrics,
    If you in your car buckle up,
    But if you don't like what I'm sayin' when you see me knuckle up,..."
  • Unforgiven
    "Ain't got no love to sinnin
    Ain't no love recieved
    Fucc explainin
    Nigga believe whatcha wanna believe..."
  • Spitten Venom
    "If it's on I'll kill my own like a Civil War
    This EBK, what the fuck should I be civil for?
    It's over, pour into my bullet tips
    Split you open like a pinata cuz you full of shit..."
  • Macaframa
    "Aint no love for them hoes an Im knowin
    Bitches only jocking X-Raided cause I be flowin
    Thats why Im showin em love and affection
    In they silky sections my erections..."
  • Land of the Lost
    "Many muthafuckas didn't make it,
    Other niggas locced up cuz they couldn't take it,
    The ghetto got it's claws in my back tryin' to keep a nigga down,
    I'm cryin' out for help, but help ain't nowhere to be found,..."
  • Write What I See
    "I gather myself and try to write nicely, but I ain't feelin' that way
    I'd rather write raps that incite fights, riots, and melees
    And they say, "All X-Raided rhyme about is peelin' caps
    Prison crap, fuckin' bitches, gettin' high, and killin' cats"..."
  • I Got Yo Back
    "If you wanna get high, nigga I got a sack
    If you wanna ride, my nigga I got a strap
    Do or die for my true thug niggas, and that's a fact
    You and I got that true love, nigga I got yo back..."
  • Lord Have Mercy
    "If I gotta burn in fire
    Feel the flames
    For my loved ones to excel in this game
    Then let it burn..."

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