X-Treme - Enamorado Lyrics

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Artist: X-Treme
Song Title: Enamorado
Visits: 881
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Yea uh.....
Llego Xtreme......
uh uh yea

Solo tenia 13 a?os, era el a?o '96
todavia era un ni?o que no entendia muy bien
Me enamore de una ni?a que por linda me sombre
De su bonita carita, su sonrisa de miel
No se si yo le gustaba o le caia bien
pero lo que sentia era un lindo plaser
Una linda muchachita cuando me hablaba ingles
Yo le decia I Love you, I want to be your very best
La que me acarisiaba con todo su ser....

ay que lindo cuando dos personas estan enamorados
lo que es amor, uno se pone medio loco
cuando llega el amor
no me importa lo que digan, eso es amor...
al estar enamorado uno pierde la razon.


Yo felas you ready to rip it

check it out now


llora mami llora desahogate

Era el Viernes en la noche y a penas eran las diez
Yo estaba solito pensando en mi querer
Camine por su barrio buscando a esa mujer
Y el vecino me a dicho que se fue y no vas a volver
Que dolor tan grande
tenia yo en ese momento
se me fue mi mami, se me fue bien lejos
Si ella supiera que la amaba, y le daba mi amor
Me cojio de relajo me rompio el corazon

I thought I was in love but it was all a lie
I thought that it was true, and everything was fine
she made me feel so good and though so made me cry
but when I looked at her my heart just fell inside
And then I knew that she was such a waste of time
I would have never known that it was a disguise
She told me all those lies and didn't realize
All the hurt that she would cause that hurt me deep inside
I hope that she had seen everything she did to me
I hope that she was pleased cuz it was killing me
Killing me....

I thought I was in love but it was all a lie
I thought that it was true, and everything was fine
she made me feel so good and though so made me cry
but when I looked at her my heart just fell inside
And then I knew that she was such a waste of time
I would have never known that it was a disguise
She told me all those lies and didn't realize
All the hurt that she would cause that hurts me deep inside

Deep inside....
check it out
ay amor
dimme por que?
why you did this to me?
me enga?aste
me triasionaste
ah huh
por que
por que
por queeeeeee

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    Daabou deeboudaebeedoee..."
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