Yello - How How Lyrics

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Artist: Yello
Yello Author
Album: Unknown album (0)
Yello - Unknown album Album
Song Title: How How
Genre: Dance
Visits: 864
Print Version

My life is in a serious mess,
My baby is gone, there's heavy mental stress
I never knew love but I know it now,
I wanna give her my heart, but how how

I never knew love but I know it now,
I wanna give her my heart, but how how
How How

Maybe I should buy her a beautiful dress,
Maybe gold and diamonds, and no more stress
I decide to call her, it drives me insane,
Then she's on the line and tells me "Don't be vain"

I decide to call her, it drives me insane,
But then she's on the line and tells me I take the blame
You [?] little fool and you know what I miss,
No diamonds, no gold, just a kiss
Just a kiss

I got nothing to lose so I know it doesn't matter,
I do it the old way and write her a letter
I know how much I love you and I need you now,
You're the one and only and you tell me how

Now I'm out of trouble and a serious mess,
My baby is back, no more stress
You know how much I love you and I need you now,
I'll give you my heart, just tell me how how
How how

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    For years... years... years... years...
    We're out of control..."
  • Bananas to the Beat
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    Bananas to the beat
    Le le lee
    I mono wayso jambo pe janga poje..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Unknown album" album, click "Yello Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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