Yello - Ocean Club Lyrics

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Artist: Yello
Yello Author
Album: Baby (1991)
Yello - Baby Album
Song Title: Ocean Club
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 880
Print Version

My name is Norman -- Lou Norman
I've been in this business for fifteen years
If people have a problem and don't want talk to the police
They want talk to me
So, this Friday afternoon I got a phone call
Young lady asked me to go downtown

What the hell is a girl like Mandy Cooper
doing at the lower Manhattan Ocean Club?
Looking like a taxi model
And with a voice like Mihaelia Jackson
She don't need to work in slots like this
She got the pair of blue eyes that look green to me
And then she approached me
Oh boy

Miss Cooper, I suppose?
Let's stop playing games
I'm on the job here
Let's come to terms
She tried to wind me up with some nonsense
about an ex-boyfriend who was giving her a hard time
I said listen honey
We all know you can help yourself
If you want me to work on your case
Let's get things straight -- and now
Oh boy

Nobody is ever gonna damage your career
With a voice like this
And a pair of eyes
You're gonna be huge in any business
You still don't smoke?
I need to drink
And maybe you join me
Looks better for the chappy over there
Looks like old friends
Meeting after a hard night's work

I walked to the corner slowly
Wanted to ask Mr. Big here for a light
He turned around

I put a quarter into the jukebox
And played a beautiful Ave Maria
When I turned around
Miss Cooper had gone

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Other Yello song Lyrics
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  • Night Flanger
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  • Downtown Samba
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  • Assistants Cry
    "From time to time they cry
    Only if you know why
    Here they go
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  • Bostich
    "Standing at the machine every day for all my life
    I'm used to do it and I need it
    It's the only thing I want
    It's just a rush, push, cash..."
  • Rock Stop
    "I'm dancing like a mad man
    I hope she likes-a me
    The chance to be just on my own
    I wanna silly be..."
  • Eternal Legs
    "Across the space
    We fly around the world
    For years... years... years... years...
    We're out of control..."
  • Bananas to the Beat
    "I go bananas
    Bananas to the beat
    Le le lee
    I mono wayso jambo pe janga poje..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Baby" album, click "Yello Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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