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Smiley On You Song Lyrics
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Willy Jackson, Stanley Davies, Spencer Cliss Rosita Delicious, Sandy Hooker No money You Telly, Lilly And you Willy Think I'm just another fool Spilky Skuller, Spencer Cliss Think I am a little freak Willy Jackson, all the others Think I am a little weak Snoopy Slender, Random Toxy Think I don't know where to go My reaction if I meet them Is just ho ho ho No money You Telly, Lilly And you Willy Think I'm just another fool Jackson Wallace, Smady Menko Think I am a little freak Rosita Delicious, Sammy Schmaltz Think I am too weak Snoopy Slender, Random Toxy Think I don't know where to go My reaction if I meet them Is just ho ho ho No money You Telly, Lilly And you Willy Think I'm just another fool Thank you very very much ladies and gentlemen You still are programmed Of your local radio station That's not just giving you another feature We are presenting you the truth The truth about human beings The truth about human desire The truth about human eyes The truth about human faces The truth about everybody The truth about you
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