Yello - Tied Up Lyrics
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Yello Singer Lyrics
Tied Up Song Lyrics
Flag (1988)
Song Title:
Tied Up
Dance: Pop
Print Version
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Tie me up, the city heat
Bring the bell, go down the street
Tie me up to the Babaumba Beat
Try to beat, try to fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
Shake it up, beat down the beat
Shake it up to the Babaumba Heat
It's the African Queen, we got the summer night grand
It's the African Queen, the hottest lady in town
It's the African Queen, who keeps me on my feet
It's the African Queen, the Babaumba Beat
All you need is love
Take my heart
And hold me tight forever, forever
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Ring the bell
Roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay (de-le-maaaaaa)
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Got awaaaaaaaaaay eko-ahll-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ring the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Take it up, beat on the beat
Shake it up, the Babaumba Beat
Keep your cool, keep cool your mind
Shift the beat, you're one of a kind
Kick the gong, beef up the beat
Back to hell into the city heat
Hit the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up to the Babaumba Beat
Take the beat, take the fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
It's the African Queen, we got the summer night grand
It's the African Queen, the hottest lady in town
It's the African Queen, who keeps me on my feet
It's the African Queen, the Babaumba Beat
Gulemo Dilemma
It's the African Queen, we got the summer night grand
It's the African Queen, the hottest lady in town
It's the African Queen, who keeps me on my feet
It's the African Queen, the Babaumba Beat
All you need is love
Take my heart and hold me tight forever, forever
Tied Up Lyrics
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Other Yello song Lyrics
"You think you're special
And you're a standard guy
I'm gonna tell you
You're nothing but a standard guy..."
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"I wake up in the evening
The sun is still around
The street seems to be busy
I hear the traffic sounds..."
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Now for you
Downtown samba
Canal Street's where we dance..."
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"From time to time they cry
Only if you know why
Here they go
A hundred thousand people..."
"Standing at the machine every day for all my life
I'm used to do it and I need it
It's the only thing I want
It's just a rush, push, cash..."
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"I'm dancing like a mad man
I hope she likes-a me
The chance to be just on my own
I wanna silly be..."
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We fly around the world
For years... years... years... years...
We're out of control..."
Bananas to the Beat
"I go bananas
Bananas to the beat
Le le lee
I mono wayso jambo pe janga poje..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Flag" album, click "
Yello Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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