Yellow - Bimbo Lyrics

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Artist: Yellow
Song Title: Bimbo
Visits: 858
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You think you're special
And you're a standard guy
I'm gonna tell you
You're nothing but a standard guy
You are a standard... standard...

It's the bimbo
Standard bimbo man
They call me the white white white white white white
White white bimbo man

Oh, hey I want her
I want shoes
Oh, so my head hurts
But make fun of blues
Oh, that music
I got the blues
Cash in my pocket
Don't want to lose
I... I... I try so hard
Let me be smart

Look at myself in the window of a glass door
Look in my eyes
Look at myself in the window of a toy store
Wink at the size
Never ever gonna be
Never ever gonna be
Never ever gonna be

Staring at her until the end
Special lie, my only friend
That's so hard for me to take
Silly to work around the thing

Bimbo, bimbo, oh it's sad
It drives me mad This is bimbo man
Oh, oh, it's sad B-b-b-b-b b-b-b-b-b b-b-b-b-bimbo
It drives me mad Why bimbo man
Oh, oh, it's sad Why it's the bimbo, standard bimbo
It drives me mad Why it's the bimbo man
Oh, oh, it's sad Why it's the bimbo, standard bimbo
It drives me mad Why it's the bimbo man

Special, and silly wanna be
Standard, oh what a silly me
You're really special, that you don't wanna be
You're standard, firm set in your silly ways

Look at myself in the window of a drug door
Wink at the size
Look at myself in the window of a toy store
Look in my eyes
Never ever gonna be

I wear a white hat Bimbo, bimbo, he's hip
White gloves I choose Bimbo, bimbo man
I saw her dance Bimbo, bimbo
Not for the blues He's the bimbo man
I... Bimbo, bimbo, b-b-b-b-bimbo
Don't want to be He's the bimbo man
The standard guy Bimbo, bimbo, b-b-b-b-bimbo
The standard guy He's the bimbo man
Standard guy

Look at myself in the window of a glass door
Wink out the size
Look at myself in the window of a toy store
Look in my eyes
Never ever gonna be

I hear hip music Bimbo, bimbo, he's a bimbo
Ain't got the blues Bimbo, bimbo man
Fist in my pocket Why it's the bimbo, why it's the bimbo
Don't want to lose Bimbo, bimbo man
I... I... Standard bimbo, why it's the bimbo
Try so hard Bimbo, bimbo man
Oh please, oh please, Why it's the bimbo, bimbo, bimbo
I wanna be smart... smart Bimbo, bimbo man

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