Yellowstone Voice - TrueLove Lyrics

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Artist: Yellowstone Voice
Song Title: TrueLove
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"True Love" One Voice

I never want to fall in love again,
Don't ever want to feel the kind of pain, it's pain,
Don't ever want to see another love, turn into a lie,
Don't want to see another tear fall from my eye.
I know my heart wasn't made to be let down, it's just not made for pain,
You never know until it's much too late, it's just enough to drive you insane.

True love, isn't always the best thing,
Nothing but the hard mistakes and the love you make gets thrown away,
True love, it's not right, like when a family falls apart,
True love, will always break your heart.

Never knew that love could be so cruel,
Can even make the kindest heart play the fool,
And first it makes you feel so good, it makes you feel fine,
But it can really turn on you, at the best and worst times.

I never knew that love could hurt so much, thought that it'd always be mine,
I didn't know 'til it was much too late, and now I'm going out.

True love, isn't always the best thing,
Nothing but the hard mistakes and the love you make gets thrown away,
True love, it's not right, like when a family falls apart,
True love, will always break your heart.

Why does it have to be this way?
(Why did you have to go?)
Feel like my heart has been betrayed,
Should have been the best thing that happened to me,
But you played me like a fool, why'd you have to be so cruel,
Never want to be leaving you.

True love, isn't always the best thing,
Nothing but the hard mistakes and the love you make gets thrown away,
True love, it's not right, like when a family falls apart,
True love, will always break your heart.

True love, isn't always the best thing,
Nothing but the hard mistakes and the love you make gets thrown away,
True love, it's not right, like when a family falls apart,
True love, will always break your heart, heart, heart, heart, heart.

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