Yesterdays Hero - Fake Lyrics

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Artist: Yesterdays Hero
Song Title: Fake
Visits: 739
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Now I see that you are no good for me,

You led me on, took my heart and now you're gone.

I can't believe,

I can't conceive the way you stabbed me in the back and made me bleed.

Now I see your personality.

It was never like the way you made it out to be.

And I can't stop the way I feel even if it's wrong,

I don't care if it's not real, I just cannot move on.

What's going through your brain, it's making me insane.

Why do you do the things you.

Why do you take, take and take and take and never give in this relationship.

Now you're gone, that's why I sing this song,

to sing about what you're missing out.

You used to say it would be okay, but then you stepped on me and ran away.

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Other Yesterdays Hero song Lyrics
  • America
    "America the beautiful land of the free home of the brave.
    I'm so proud of what we've done and for all those lives we gave,
    they weren't thrown away.
    So don't, dont you forget those lives that we gave away...."
  • Corruption
    "I can't see how you love me.
    I can't believe that you would die for me, die for me.
    I can't see how you love me.
    I can't believe that you would rise for me, rise for me...."
  • Faces
    "You come to church so often, say you live your life.
    You come and go as if you're always doing right.
    You act as if you own the world and run it too.
    If you could you would still act the way you do...."
  • Falling Down
    "This world's an ugly place.
    So filled with much disgrace.
    Can we just save each other from each one another.
    It's just our human nature to want to hurt each other...."
  • Insight
    "When I look at You, then I can see just what I want to be.
    Then I close my eyes and count to ten that's when I begin.
    And I wonder why I often sigh and get tears in my eye.
    Then I look up to the sky above and I can feel Your love raining down on me...."
  • Regrets
    "She don't know what to do, it's all her fault she knows it too.
    She didn't want it that way but that night it couldn't stay.
    Can she make up, make up her mind.
    Can she do it, do it in time...."
  • Selfish
    "I look at you and you look right back at me.
    Now I can see that's the way I used to be.
    I had so much of all this animosity.
    I never took the time to see the real me...."
  • Stuck
    "I look at your life and what can I say.
    Your life is being torn away.
    I know you had a special future, but now you're just a loser.
    You could have been the best, but now you're just like the rest...."
  • ...Show All

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