Yoko Kanno - Could You Bite the Hand? Lyrics

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Artist: Yoko Kanno
Yoko Kanno Author
Song Title: Could You Bite the Hand?
Visits: 765
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Another gun for hire and just another day
When you are done, you just abuse it, whatever you say
If you were offered some, would you wanna bite the hand?
Would you betray a friend to prove you're cold, then walk away?

We were born with nothin', I don't want, but you need something
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us

People are born with
People are born without
Some people have
And others want
What some go without
Some people live free
Some people just want more
As for me, I got all that I need

Do you still think that we're not brave if we don't bleed?
We've seen so much blood and violence already, how much do you need?
You howl and fight your war and talk of being free
Won't let you in, they're just usin' you, so why won't you see?

Some people are born so much closer to the sun
Holdin' out their hands and grabbin' golden rays, they are the chosen few
But we both know of course that's not you or me
And I'd be telling the truth if I said it don't matter, so how 'bout you?

Can you tell me really you don't need it, you don't want it
If you can, cool, if you can't, the difference between us

People are born with
People are born without
Some people have
And others want
What some go without
Some people live free
Some people just want more
As for me I got all that I need
Don't got much, but I got what I need

Some people are always reachin' for some things that they don't need
I'll tell you now with thoughts like that there will never be enough
Some people are always struggling for something that is not
I'll tell you something now that I'm really just fine lovin' what I got

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