You Am I - Youve Been So Good To Me So Far Lyrics

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Artist: You Am I
Song Title: Youve Been So Good To Me So Far
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You Am I - You've Been So Good To Me So Far

I was doin' all the things which I used to hate the worst
I was listenin' to Joni Mitchell and I was tucking in my shirt
I smiled like a puppy dog who's scratching all his fleas
And it itched right down to the bone and it wouldn't even hurt
There's times that I remember yeah and there's the things that I forget
Like the colour of your eyes and the time that we first met
But I always take the time out and it's a hurtin' more and more
To feel my heart jump out of my chest when I'm knocking at your door

For a big old dog he sure acts like a cat
The more you wanna play the more he'll scratch back
Oh, oh oh oh

As sweet as you've been it just don't add up
And I'm drinking sweet bubbles from a paper cup
I know who you and you've been so good to me so far

Forgot my girlfriend's not even washed her hair
And I did all that couple stuff and I pretended that I cared
And I smiled like a twelve year old who wanted to stay 'round
After all the after dinner drinks had been put down

Eight is enough but nine's too much
You ran thru me like an interstate truck
Oh no, oh oh no
If I've been such a lightweight
Why can't I just be blown away from
Who you are and you've been so good to me so far

You can call and I won't cry
I just can't find the reason why
I know who you are and you've been so good to me so far

I've been doing all those things which I never did at all
And you sure would laugh if you hear the crap I talk
But I never saw it coming I just couldn't see that morning rain
That soiled all that clothes that I left hanging out again

You can call and I won't cry
I just can't find the reason why
I know who you are and you've been so good to me so far

You can call and I won't cry
I just can't find the reason why
I know who you are and you've been so good to me so far

You've been so good to me so far

You've been so good to me so far

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