Young Kristeen - Corpulent And Indolent Lyrics

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Artist: Young Kristeen
Song Title: Corpulent And Indolent
Visits: 681
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Over-sized, Over-stuffed, Over-stiff, Over-rich;
Over-do? Over-don't. Over-due, Under-done.
Watching the screens.
Over-eat, Over-sleep, Over-charge, Over-large;
Over-flow, Over-slow, Over-load, Under-tow.
Can't have enough screens.
You're bad. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. You are bad.
You're diseased. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. You are bad.
Over-grown, Over-stocked, Over-full, Over-weight;
Over-lap, Over-lay, Over-fed, Under dressed.
Home with the screens.
You're bad. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. You are bad.
You're ill. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. You are bad.
You're pitiful. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. You are bad.
You are bad. You are bad. You are bad.
Under-bred Wonder Bread, Under-used, Under-hand;
Under-aged, Over-aged, Under-cooked, Over-ripe

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    These are the sounds of grief and regret- Never forgetting.
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    But now you cannot live without me...."
  • ...Show All

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