Your Best Friend - Para Maridelsa Lyrics

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Artist: Your Best Friend
Song Title: Para Maridelsa
Visits: 680
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Damn you for going away,

Why couldn't you just stay?

Don't turn your back on your girl,

Don't turn your back on your world...

At the age of five you left her on her own,

Alone in this country, by herself, all alone...

Shame on you for what you did,

Abandoning your little kid?

You packed up your boys and your husband and wife,

You turned your back, and you ran from her life...

It's a shame you don't care to see what she's grown in to,

And a shame she means more to me, than she does to you...

Can't you see she's crying aloud?

You can see that she needs you now...

How could you abandon your daughter?

Your world?

Dear Mother, Dear Father,

I need you to be here,

You left me, and I'm crying...

And you don't care...

I'm fainting, and painting,

My face with tears,

Dear Mother, Dear Father,

I need you here...

It's a shame you don't care,

It's a shame you don't...

How could you abandon your daughter?

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Other Your Best Friend song Lyrics
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    "I'm scared because I think I trust you,
    And I'm beginning to realize just how much I care...
    I care so much about you,
    It's just that I don't want to set myself up for heartbreak again......"
  • Hide And Seek
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    Hide your feelings and I'll find them for you...
    And now you're it,
    So I'll go away for awhile......"
  • Opening My Eyes
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    Something new I can feel...
    Without knowing what to expect,
    And not looking back on what I left......"
  • Spain
    "I'm taking you to Spain,
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    I'm taking you to Spain,
    To find the love that we've been after......"
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    "I've got this plan,
    We've both been hurt...
    Just trust in me,
    And it will work......"
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  • Twenty-Five Days
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    Why don't you tell me why you're so far away from me?
    I'm used to being with you every single day,
    And now you're millions of miles away......"

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