Your Shapeless Beauty - Contempt Lyrics
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Your Shapeless Beauty Singer Lyrics
Contempt Song Lyrics
Your Shapeless Beauty
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I have no sympathy for humanity
I dream of my end.................In this world of pain.
I bet there's no future, I know there's no true,
I wait for the silence finally to come through.
I am egocentric, I am as useless
As a needle the arm of Death
Withstand my wrath
But unveiled I am
For the ones who seek behind the painting.
That we all drawn from our darkest sins...
My colours are fading ............All appears so bleak.
Twisting the knife slowly and cutting my flesh,
There is no redemption, there is no regrets !
No fucking models, no bloody reasons
Nothing is done, nothing is said
We are meant to be wasted...
All is withering and dying, we are so futile and so blind
Contempt is flowing in my veins, can't you even drown in my eyes?
I'll pay the price to kill that plague,
Ignorance is still source of denying.
The path we are striding on
Is made of the attempts of former slaves
To believed in existence.
But we are all condemned to remain silent,
Is the key for the for the tyrants to lock our door,
The door to reality...we are too blind to see!
Once denied and still rejected,
You hate the ones who dare
To raise against your corruption
And break the chains of despair.....
But I am the kind of fool you can only fear!!
I swear I'll never bow to you
A lord of flies, a shadow, a lie !
And now I know that I was true
As I hold you all in contempt.
Contempt Lyrics
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Other Your Shapeless Beauty song Lyrics
On The Wings Of The Black Rain
"it rains in my soul someday
it rains on my soul
it rains
I feel the shadows overwhelming me..."
Goddess Of Lust
"entombed in a city only known
by the ones who once loved
you lie for eternity but you haunt
the dreams of those doomed..."
Recital Pour Une Agonie Celeste
"out in the cold embrace of night
I wonder why life is so dark
my beloved goddess withered away
leaving me hopeless, sad and unsane...."
Deities In The Dew
"the twilight as a veil covers yours will
in the shadows of the night the dreams I sow become my pride
the stary vault beholds my reign and light my throne
I awake so close to death that my life holds to a breath..."
Empyreal Dispair
"ashes in the garden
poussi?re d??toile sur le lit du destin
blood flowing in the garden
la nouvelle ?toile illumine le pr?sent..."
Wolves Are Not Yours
"6 times the pain, 6 times the hatred
6 times the sadness, insanity is storming in your hollow head
Weak followers of a past unknown
I spit with joy on your blind ignorance and puke at your so called wisdom..."
Mourning Of A New Day
"Down the red mountain
Each day I have to climb,
My eyes stare at you
The perfect sky, so high...."
Song For A Ghost
"I've never asked
To live this life of pain and suffering
I've never asked
To be part of this game...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "My Swan Song" album, click "
Your Shapeless Beauty Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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