Zandelle - Twilight On Humanity Lyrics

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Artist: Zandelle
Song Title: Twilight On Humanity
Visits: 796
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[PART I: The Mundane World]

[lead: Maglio]

Day by day we follow our routines

Not much changes in our lives

With every dawn another sunrise

A never ending cycle in our minds

Never once did we stop to think

What if this all came to an end?

If everything we knew was gone

If reality became pretend

But you carry on as if nothing will change

Nothing is out of place, nothing new or strange

Familiarity has become part of you

It rules your judgement on what is false or true

[lead: Maglio]

Did you ever wonder why it is this way?

Did you ever ask if other worlds exist?

Could it be that we're the only ones

Or are there others hiding in the mist

What if there was a world that we did not know of

Where creatures lurk below and dragons soar above

And what if that world began to enter ours

Would it enter quietly or with devastating power?

[PART II: Tear in the fabric of Reality]

It started subtly, unseen by all

Thought as insanity, the common man would just ignore

In shadows they did hide until the time

When they'd break free and ride, but now they just wait for the sign

The gate has opened up between the worlds

And now the change it comes for men and women of this Earth

The dark is on its way to claim our lands

No matter how we try it can't be stopped by mortal hands

So few have seen the change and how they try

To warn everyone before they die

But they are not believed, they're thought insane

They're hunted down like dogs, captured and then locked away

The darkness soon spread far, the time was near

The demons would soon rise and fill the world with pain and fear

The death toll then increased each passing day

The evil hunt began, the humans had become the prey

Then it was too late, the time had come

An evil killing spree already begun

There mission to destroy the human race

Technology was lost man would fight with sword and mace

[PART III: The Coming of Evil]

Demons are among us the evil ones have come

Spreading their destruction, killing everyone

How can we fight that which we do not know

Mankind has lost everything a new dark age is hear

Evil spreading sorrow, agony and fear

Despair is rising, all hopes are low

Governments have fallen, nations are no more

No one left to fight this most unholy war

Why is this happening, no one can tell

Dragons flying overhead, breath of fire burns

Goblin armies marching in, death at every turn

No one to save us from this nightmarish hell

Their numbers grow each day, ten thousand strong

How can we hope to win, it won't be long

Before we are destroyed, become extinct

They eat our flesh and bone and our life-blood they do drink

[PART IV: A Hope Arrives]

Suddenly a hope came to us

From the Immortal Realms

Elves with mighty swords and armor

Rugged Dwarves as well

Magic wielding fairies casting

Fireballs bright as the sun

Satyrs, Fauns and Centaurs joined them

Battle has begun

[PART V: Battle between Good and Evil]

Evil: Death is coming

Good: It's you who'll die

Evil: Immortal power

Good: Our swords held high

Evil: The dead will rise

Good: We will prevail

Evil: You can't defeat us

Good: Send you to hell

[solo: Maglio]

[solo: Durfy]

[PART VI: The Balance]

And so the two armies fought, neither able to claim victory over the other

Instead a balance was reached

Half the world basked in light, while the half suffered in darkness

The world was split in two

The Earth had been reborn

The fine line that divides

Humanity is torn

To tip the scales their way, both sides did try

But balance did prevail though many died

A new dawn has arrived and now they see

A new dark age is here, Twilight on Humanity!

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