Zapp Roger - Computer Love Lyrics

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Artist: Zapp Roger
Song Title: Computer Love
Visits: 1000
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Computerized (Digital love)
Oh, baby
A beautiful love

Computer love {Computer, computer love}
Computer love {Lookin? for my computer love}
Computer love {Hey}
Computer love {Computer love}

You know I?ve been searching for someone
Who can share that special love with me
And your eyes have that glow
Could it be your face I see on my computer screen

Need a special girl (Ooh, yeah)
To share in my computer world
I no longer need a strategy
Thanks to modern technology

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop [I wanna love you, baby] computer love
Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop my computer love

You know I?ve been around
From hot sexy mamas to cool Prima Donnas
I wanna share your treasure, oh, so rare
?Cause it?s your face I see on my computer screen

Oh, won?t you keep me warm tonight
You are such a sweet delight
I will cherish the memory of this night
Yes, I found my computer love

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop [I wanna love you, baby] computer love
Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop my computer love

Digital love {Digital love}
Computer love {Computer love}
Digital love {Digital love}
A beautiful love {Beautiful love}
A digital love {Digital love}
Digital love {Digital love}
{It?s just computer digital beautiful, beautiful love}

You are my computer love (Hey...hey...)
You are my computer love (My computer love)
You are my computer love (My computer love)
Yes, I found my computer love

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop computer love {Shooby doo doo doo}
You are {Shooby doo doo doo}, you are {Doo doo doo doo doo computer}
You are {Do we mean it}, you are {Do we mean it, eee}
You are, you are {Do we feel it, yeah}
You are {Feel it}, you are
You are, you are {You, oh...}
You are {Do}, you are {I know}

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop computer love {Computer}
Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you {I love you}
Shooby doo bop computer love {Computer love}
Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you {I love you, oh...}

You are {Shooby dee da doo}, you are {Shooby dee da doo doo de doo doo doo computer}
You are {Do we mean it}, you are {Do we mean it}
You are {Do we mean it, do we, baby}, you are {Do we, baby, baby, baby, baby, yeah}

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