Zappa Frank - White Ugliness Lyrics

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Artist: Zappa Frank
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Song Title: White Ugliness
Visits: 616
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Arf arf arf!

I whipped the teeth out.
I had to fight back and hit 'em, like..., you know...,
hit 'em and hit 'em and hit 'em and kick 'em and kick 'em.
Did he get on top of you?
No, I fought so back, hard back and...
Hard back?
Yeah, white ugliness.
Did it have teeth?
And it was two, it was two boogiemen along the side of 'em.
I really bunked into 'em.
I had to, I had to kick,
I had to fight to four or five boogiemen in front of me...
Well, maybe he can turn into...
One of 'em could maybe be, uh killed.
Yes, but I've heard these ponies are really vicious.
I know, but, I know they're vicious, but I...
These claws!
He doesn't have people doing it.
They get on top of you and they just tear you apart.
I know...
But I hope they don't get 'em.

Ponies...if, if, if...
Was it white? 're you sure? wasn't white,
I mean, uh...
But I was too scared to notice their physical... or something...
...I was too, I was too scared to no-no-no-notice their physical,
ah, appearance, 'cause they...they...they were attackin' me!
They were?
They were attackin' me.
What were they doin' to you?
They were, they were, they were come and surrounding me
and attackin' me and I had to fight back and fight,
fight and fight back and pick up sticks.
Pick up sticks?
Yes, pick up sticks.
I used to play that game, Pick Up Sticks.
Me too, did you ever play that game?
Yeah! That's funny! Ha Ha Ha!

Now anyway, yes, pony, or president, or popes, I don't know.
Something out there is dangerous.
Could be a cigar or somethin'
A cigar!
A cigar? No, you're insane, come on!
No no.
I remember when I was ah, well, I don't remember.
Those were the days!
That was before the days it will forces.
Yes, before the days ah eh, ponies or boogiemen or somethin'.
What's out there?
But then it was a...what was it then?
You had to have 'em.
No no no...
You've got one right in your nose right now!
Hah hah hah!

Zzzzzzz, scratchin' 'em...
Well, I'm gettin' tired...
We should, we should go to sleep...
I just hope he comes back...
I think I'll pray for him...
I think I'll join you...
You do yours and I'll do mine...

Ha Ha Ha!

We hope for the best.

Ha Ha Ha!

(Alfred Motorhead).

Now I lay me down to sleep.

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