ZEBRAHEAD - Check Lyrics

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Album: Waste Of Mind (1998)
ZEBRAHEAD - Waste Of Mind Album
Song Title: Check
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 762
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Coming hard core looking like a gangster bitch,
Trying to front like you ain't rolling filthy rich
Laguna Hills you were born and raised.
But you?re claiming South Central is where you spent your days.
Coming out hard talking crazy shit,
Knowing in your mind that you really don't fit.
Standing up straight with a gangster lean,
Talking gangster slang about what you seen.

Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.
Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.

You better think twice before you come at me
Right through your dome I can clearly see
Hey little dog, you gonna bark all day?
Cause toe to toe, in the ring, is where I play.
So you better step back and check yourself,
Stop fronting and just be yourself
Cause no one cares what set your claiming,
Till someone grabs their gun and starts their aiming at you!

Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.
Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again

Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout

Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.
Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again

Third verse:
Cause it ain't about how hard you are
Try using your brain and you will go far.
Be true to the color that you were born with
Not the color that you're adorned with,
So keep it real and always be true and be yourself in all that you do.
Stand up tall and get some respect
And always remember, keep yourself in check

Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.
Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again

Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya
Tripping out cause ya got no clout

Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again.
Take a chance kid,
Take a chance.
Take a chance kid,
Don?t fall down hard again

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Other ZEBRAHEAD song Lyrics
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    She thinks she's smooth now I'm saying
    You say this ain't the end to me..."
  • Strength
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    You can take all this from me..."
  • Hello Tomorrow
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    We've been waiting for this moment
    And we still don't know what to say
    We may never find the answers or know the reason why..."
  • The Set-Up
    "Lie to me
    Tell me that everything will be all right
    Don't say it didn't mean anything
    1-2-3 GO!..."
  • Blur
    "Did you ever get the feeling that you were all alone
    And no one ever knew you and you never had a home
    And the lights and the colors do their best to distract you
    Fuck you. I don't even know why I like you..."
  • House Is Not My Home
    "Well I'm tired, so tired of getting up and wasting another day
    I wish the picture on the wall would still say it all
    But now yesterday is so far away
    And I would give anything, say anything..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Waste Of Mind" album, click "ZEBRAHEAD Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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