ZED - In My Mind Lyrics

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Artist: ZED
Song Title: In My Mind
Visits: 672
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Album : Silencer (2001)

In my mind, in my mind a world of enchantment
Being sung through my mind
In my mind, visual enhancement
And I find myself in a red painted barn,
A million stars they pick me up and spin me

And now I am floating in a land of confusion
Or is it reality or just an illusion
And nothing makes sense, no start and no end
When you get more is when you get bored

In my mind, in my mind
Turning the handle and it's starting to stain
In my mind burns like a candle
And the wax tells a fairy tale
My heads for sale
I'm swimming through the hail


In my mind, in my mind, in my mind
In my mind, (why can't you find yourself another place to rest...) in my mind, in my mind
In my mind, in my mind, in my mind
In my mind I see a red painted barn,
A million stars they pick me up and spin me

And now I am floating in a land of confusion
Or is it reality or just an illusion
And nothing makes sense, no start and no end
Cos when you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get something
(Why can't you find yourself another place to rest...)
Cos when you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get something
(Why can't you find yourself another place to rest...)
When you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get bored
When you get more is when you get something

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    I don't know why but I keep thinking
    Something's bound to go wrong..."
  • Dont You Sometimes Wish
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    In an undefined unequal kind of way we would be home
    run down to the mailbox see if they forgot again
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  • Dont You Wish
    "Don't you sometimes wish that they would leave us all alone
    In an undefined unequal kind of way we would be home
    Run down to the mailbox see if they forgot again
    And remind me not to answer when they..."

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