Zero Down - Down This Road Lyrics

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Artist: Zero Down
Song Title: Down This Road
Visits: 1515
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Verse 1

Another day, another dollar,
another bill collecting caller.
Im Disillusioned,
and let down.
All my heroes are junkies now.


I've been down this road,
in the end it's all the same.
Another day I'm getting older,
another day nothing has changed.
I've been down this road.
I'm wrong when I know I'm right,
hard pressed to make it better,
and I got no will to fight.

Verse 2

26 and I'm flat broke.
I've been down so long
I've given up hope.
Shattered nerves anxiety.
There's so much more
I wanted to be.
I often wonder where I went wrong,
but I can't remember, it's been too long.
I think out loud cuz I want to change,
but I know I never will. I'm gonna stay this way.


I've been down this road,
in the end it's all the same.
Another day I'm getting older,
another day nothing has changed.
I've been down this road.
I'm wrong when I know I'm right,
hard pressed to make it better,
and I got no will to...


Is this my great reward,
servitude and solitude,
a lifetime of chances I have
blown. I woulda coulda shoulda been
so much more than I really am,
and it's nobody else's
fault but my own.

Another day, another dollar,
another bill collecting caller.
I'm Disillusioned, let down,
cause I'm nothing more
than a fuck up now.

I've been down this road,
in the end it's all the same,
another day I'm getting older,
another day nothing has changed.
I've been down this road.
I'm wrong when I know I'm right.
Hard pressed to make it better,
but I got no will to fight.

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