Zero Down - No Apologies Lyrics

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Album: With A Lifetime To Pay (2000)
Zero Down - With A Lifetime To Pay Album
Artist: Zero Down
Song Title: No Apologies
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 962
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Lately I've been too tired to be that man I used to be.

Overwhelmed and uninspired does it matter that no one's listening.

I've looked to find my place, I've searched to see my purpose served

but every where that I can see people getting what they don't deserve.

Cause I am what I am, I could change it all but never me.

It's the pride of a foolish man but I live my life with no apologies.

Convince the world I'm crazy, in truth maybe I am.

But I've cut my baggage loose I shed my skin I'm a better man.

No one left to pull me under no one left to drag me down.

Standing on my own two feet I find the strength to stand my ground.

I once dwelled on all the things in life I never had,

I obsessed on my injustices until it drove me mad,

and all that hatred that I felt I didn't understand.

Was everything that held me down and kept me a bitter man.

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  • Temptation
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    have you ever looked for something more..."
  • Self Medication
    "Sometimes I feel the weight of my self conscious caving in on me.
    Asleep at the wheel, self medication gets me through those times of need.
    Another life time another person myself once removed these words aren't mine.
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  • The Best
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    You're co-dependent you enable me to treat you with disrespect.
    You wonder why you're so unhappy I wonder what you did expect...."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "With A Lifetime To Pay" album, click "Zero Down Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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