Zevon Warren - Transverse City Lyrics

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Artist: Zevon Warren
Zevon Warren Author
Album: Transverse City (1990)
Zevon Warren - Transverse City Album
Song Title: Transverse City
Genre: Rock
Visits: 649
Print Version

written by Stefan Arngrim & Warren Zevon 1989

Dark Victory Twins BMI/Zevon Music Inc. BMI

Told my little Pollyanna

There's a place for you and me

We'll go down to Transverse City

Life is cheap and Death is free

Past the condensation silos

Past the all-night trauma stand

We'll be there before tomorrow

Pollyanna take my hand

Show us endless neon vistas

Castles made of laser lights

Take us to the shopping sector

In the vortex of the night

Past the shiny mylar towers

Past the ravaged tenements

To a place we can't remember

For a time we won't forget

Here's the hum of desperation

Heres the test tube mating call

Here's the latest carbon cycle

Here's the clergy of the mall

Here's the song of shear and torsion

Here's the bloodbath magazine

Here's the harvest of contusions

Here's the narcoleptic dream

Told my little Pollyanna

Here's a place where we can stay

We have come to see tomorrow

We have given up today

Down among the dancing quanta

Everything exists at once

Up above in Transverse City

Every weekend lasts for months

Here's the hum of desperation

Heres the test tube mating call

Here's the latest carbon cycle

Here's the clergy of the mall

Here's the witness and the victim

Here's the relatives' remains

Here's the well-known double helix

Here's the poisoned waves of grain

Here's the song of shear and torsion

Here's the bloodbath magazine

Here's the harvest of contusions

Here's the narcoleptic dream

Here's the hum of desperation

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Other Zevon Warren song Lyrics
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  • Knockin On Heavens Door
    "Mama, take this badge off of me
    I can't use it anymore.
    It's gettin' dark, too dark to see
    And I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door...."
  • Numb as a Statue
    "I'm numb as a statue
    I may have to beg, borrow or steal
    Some feelings from you
    So I can have some feelings too..."
  • Shes Too Good for Me
    "I could hold my head up high
    and say that I left first
    Or I can hang my head and cry
    Tell me which is worse..."
  • El Amor de mi Vida
    "I close my eyes, you reappear
    I always carry you inside, in here
    I fall asleep, you come to me
    And once again our love is real..."
  • Please Stay
    "Please stay
    Please stay
    Two words I've thought I'd never learn to say
    Don't go away..."
  • Rub Me Raw
    "I know these blues are gonna rub me raw
    Every single cure seems to be against the law
    Went and told my psychic
    I said "Keep it to yourself...."
  • Keep Me in Your Heart
    "Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath
    Keep me in your heart for awhile
    If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less
    Keep me in your heart for awhile..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Transverse City" album, click "Zevon Warren Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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