Zevon Warren - Tules Blues Lyrics

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Artist: Zevon Warren
Zevon Warren Author
Album: Wanted Dead Or Alive (2003)
Zevon Warren - Wanted Dead Or Alive Album
Song Title: Tules Blues
Genre: Easy Listening
Visits: 661
Print Version

(Warren Zevon)
Oh Tule, it's on account of you that I've been weeping
Here behind my hand
It's lonesome in my heart's land, as the sands of the desert

Oh, tell me, why was it always you, who, through the changes
You, who always sang and played while the green vespers rang
In the heart of the hillside

It's a sad song we always seem to be singing to each other
You and me, sweet and slightly out of key
Like the sound of a running down calliope

Oh Tule, it's once I was your knight in golden armor
With the sun behind my hair
My music filled the air with symbols and lightning

Oh Tule, now can't you see I'm changing like the seasons?
My hair is growing dark
And there's no room left in the ark for a lark with a broken wing

It's a sad song we always seem to be singing to each other
And a child's voice, so tender and out of tune
Keeps a'praying I'll be singing home soon

Oh Tule, it's on account of you that I'll be leaving
'Cross the deep salt sea
Whatever wild worlds I may see, will be empty without you

It's a sad song we always seem to be singing to each other
And a child's voice, so tender and out of tune
Keeps a'praying I'll be singing home soon

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  • Numb as a Statue
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  • Shes Too Good for Me
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  • El Amor de mi Vida
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    I always carry you inside, in here
    I fall asleep, you come to me
    And once again our love is real..."
  • Please Stay
    "Please stay
    Please stay
    Two words I've thought I'd never learn to say
    Don't go away..."
  • Rub Me Raw
    "I know these blues are gonna rub me raw
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    Went and told my psychic
    I said "Keep it to yourself...."
  • Keep Me in Your Heart
    "Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath
    Keep me in your heart for awhile
    If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less
    Keep me in your heart for awhile..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Wanted Dead Or Alive" album, click "Zevon Warren Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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