Zhane - Hey Mr Dj Lyrics

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Artist: Zhane
Song Title: Hey Mr Dj
Visits: 1571
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Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

It's Friday night and the weekends here I need to unwind
with the party Mr DJ, DJ

I am ready to call my friends so we can boogie down with
a party heey heeeey Mr DJ

Hey Mr. DJ you can get this started, Everybodys ready to
party all night all night all the girls are ready so we
can all get to it, so we can party till the break of dawn

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

It's Friday night and the weekends here I need to unwind
with the party Mr DJ

I am ready to call my friends so we can boogie down with
the party heey heeeey Mr DJ

Hey Mr. DJ you can get this started, Everybodys ready to
party all night all night all the girls are ready so we
can all get to it so we can party till the break of dawn

(rap verse)

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

Everybody move your body now do it
Here is somethin thats gonna make you move and groove
Hey DJ keep playin that song all night on and on and on

Do it

Hey Mr Dj Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Zhane song Lyrics
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    Something to wash away the pain
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  • Dont
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    Don't breathe so soft
    Don't talk so sweet
    Don't sing..."
  • La La La
    "I can't imagine how it would be
    I heard all the people say that you're really
    Please tell me you feel the same way too, that you're
    If you don't please let me know..."
  • Request Line
    "DJ please
    Pick up your phone
    I'm on the request line
    Baby, baby, ba-ba baby baby..."
  • Sending Your Love
    "Sending My Love
    If I could mail my heart
    Right to you, I would
    Id pack it up, seal it tight..."

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