Ziggy Marley - Diamond City Lyrics

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Artist: Ziggy Marley
Ziggy Marley Author
Song Title: Diamond City
Visits: 797
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Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone yea

Well I've seen a crime to which I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

Well I've seen a crime to it I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

Oh diamond city let me take you there

There everyday there's a need for revolution

She's like a mother who denies her newborn milk

Lost are the thrills of life as we know them they one man swim yet many more are


Well I've seen a crime to which I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

Yes I've seen a crime to which I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

In a diamond city let me take you there

Surely we can help each other in this earth

Ain't no need to be greedy or too proud no need

Because the color of our skin they gave us no chance to win

Well I've seen a crime to it I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

We will fight for our rights we will fight for Africa we will fight for our


Did you hear we will fight for Africa

I've seen a crime to which I can't be blind living in a diamond city with a

broken heart

Yes I've seen a crime where are the cops this time living in a diamond city with

a broken heart

Oh diamond city come here let me take you there let me take you there I'll take

you there

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