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First Night Song Lyrics
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Inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
reggae all night for the poor
inna de ghetto first night
things are really high, high
reggae all night for the poor
inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
a reggae all night, want some more
hey, a see the girls are dancing
yes de youths dem a bawl it out
though we've got problems
we still a rock it to the ground
inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
a reggae all night for the poor, we want more
inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
reggae all night for the poor
down down inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
reggae just right, want some more, yes we do
and in the back room
brethren a reason harder now
yes we say well soon
we haffi tear some borders down
inna the ghetto first night
things are really high
reggae all night for the poor
inna the ghetto first night
things are really high, high, high, high, high
down inna ghetto first night
things are really high
hey, a reggae all night for the poor
some say we got nothing
but let's show them something now
and all those who claim to have something
hey, they ain't nowhere to be found
down inna de ghetto first night
things are really high
we're keeping up the first for the poor
how how
inna de ghetto first night
things are really high, high
a reggae all night for the poor
a reggae justy right, want some more
a reggae all night for the poor
reggae just right, want some more
reggae all night for the poor
reggae just right, want some more
reggae all night for the poor
reggae just right
reggae all night for the poor
reggae just right, want some more
reggae all night for the poor
reggae just right, want some more
for the poor
want some more
reggae all night for the poor
hey, we want some more
inna de ghetto
inna de ghetto
inna de ghetto
| First Night Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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