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I Get Out Song Lyrics
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you want me to play the game you tried again and again to sell myself for fame fit in the format man to suit the image you want portrayed so the people are still enslaved you can't define what we do I won't be put in a box for you I get out, I get out, I get, I get out, I get out I of the universe won't be prisoners of your little world the mind is limitless where time does not exist we travel far beyond the realms of expectations and I refuse to be what you expect of me I get out, I get out, I get, I get out, I get out what would you lose to gain the price is high to pay desire not to be like them to follow the dream of sin blessed are the meek and humble my own spirit cause music is a holy thing hey we giving thanks for the blessings I get out, I get out, I get, I get out, I get out mama I get out papa I get out said I'm gonna hit it down, said I'm gonna kick it down I get out, I get out, I get, I get out, I get out
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