Zoetrope - Promiscuity Lyrics

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Artist: Zoetrope
Song Title: Promiscuity
Genre: Rock
Visits: 751
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Escort take your time to crawl into a life so low
Slut you're still the same but you work too hard to take no blame
And we all know you'll never change
So why don't you just play the game


Don't try to think up some excuse or try to recreate the truth
Loser it's your bad life story. Loser what are you gonna do
Loser you take scum for glory but in the end the slut gets you

Playing top man all the time while in real life you fall behind
And in your mind you know the story no one tells you what to do
And you don't take shit from nobody
Wasting time doin lines, wasting money


Safety sex means you can come if you're using condoms all the time
You think you've got the answers to all the questions
But behind that face is an empty mind
And we all know that life's a game and sluts are worthless weak and lame


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Other Zoetrope song Lyrics
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  • Nasa
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    Remnants plunge into the water but they already died..."
  • Unbridled Energy
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  • Prohibition
    "In an abandoned warehouse late at night in the shipping yards
    The gangsters keep a watchful eye for the man in blue
    As a loaded semi pulls up to an empty dock
    The rear door opens to reveal the demon alcohol..."
  • Company Man
    "You can't tell how thick your shell can get when you abide
    By a lifestyle that ain't worthwhile
    But you continue what you're doing
    On the hot sheet at the right time you get eaten by the hungry hand..."
  • Pickpocket
    "I'm not what I seem to be life to me's no mystery
    Those like me will rot in jail longer than their life will be
    My hand's in your pocket I'm taking what's yours
    What I eat, my survival all depends on what I steal..."
  • Hard To Survive
    "Temperatures exceeding hot both land and people start to rot
    Can't provide for themselves because resources are so nil
    I sympathize it's enough to make me cry
    When we got so much and they have none and they ain't got no place to run..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Life Of Crime" album, click "Zoetrope Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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