Zonata - Unleashed Lyrics

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Artist: Zonata
Zonata Author
Album: Buried Alive (2002)
Zonata - Buried Alive Album
Song Title: Unleashed
Genre: Metal
Visits: 737
Print Version

Living in silence for eons,

He's planning the end for mankind

His eyes are ablaze with fury,

Venomous gaze is scorching us all

Feeling the stench of the carnage,

Sanctuary is wiped out and lost

The beast will announce it's arrival,

The moon turns bloodred,

The seas start to boil

Dreams of freedom perish and die

Sewing the seeds of death and decay

Soaring up to the sky, demonic vultures fly

Unleashed at last he is stalking the earth,

Spreading chaos and dismay

The sky is darkening slowly

As he draws forth over the plains

Corroding our hearts with his hatred,

Barren and dead lies the ground

Where he has been

His sign will be seen on his chosen

Fire will fall from the sky

Black is the veil of destruction

The lamb lies dead, the grail is no more

Dreams of freedom perish and die

Sewing the seeds of death and decay

Soaring up to the sky, demonic vultures fly

Unleashed at last he is stalking the earth,

Spreading chaos and dismay

Soaring up to the sky, demonic vultures fly

Unleashed at last he is stalking the earth,

Spreading chaos and dismay

Beware of the gaze of the serpent,

The evil can lead you astray

Feeling the blow of the trumpets,

The sky will fall down and life will decline

Dreams of freedom perish and die

Sewing the seeds of death and decay

Soaring up to the sky, demonic vultures fly

Unleashed at last he is stalking the earth,

Spreading chaos and dismay

Unleashed Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Zonata song Lyrics
  • Buried Alive
    "Afraid to feel
    What's inside
    Embrace my soul
    In solitude..."
  • Visions Of Sorrow
    "In this hall of marbled walls in another
    Dimension where time heeds no calls
    It's neither day it's neither night, eternal
    Twilight away from the light..."
  • The Last Step
    "Cast in sadness, this torment's real.
    I walk in shadows, my bliss is concealed.
    In this hell I suffer alone
    Life's betrayed me and turned me to stone...."
  • Blade Of The Reaper
    "From far beyond your world
    Your deeds evoked me.
    On this mission I was sent to earth.
    Black is the veil I wear..."
  • A Dark Chapter
    "Joy has been left for a reason
    Order will blind me
    Hand me the chance will I take it
    And play the game..."
  • In The Chamber
    "The end is almost here
    I am shaking with fear
    Trapped inside this hell
    I am lost, I'm afraid, it's the truth..."
  • You Betrayer
    "I can't believe my eyes
    You think I am a fool
    Brought evil with your lies
    And I believed in you..."
  • Heroes Of The Universe
    "We have arrived in smoke,
    In fire, in brimstone
    We have been born with the power
    To control the world..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Buried Alive" album, click "Zonata Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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