Zutons - Rumblin Ramblin Lyrics

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Artist: Zutons
Song Title: Rumblin Ramblin
Visits: 722
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I hear the train a-calling me,
I hear the engine and the steam.
You know there's only one person leaving, and that's me.

I need to find a new world,
With all the riches and the girls,
You know they say that I'm a ramblin' man, that's me.

Rumblin' ramblin' down that mountain,
Railroad track, I'm never coming back,
There ain't enough places in the world for a ramblin' man.

I'm walking through the windy beach,
Now I can feel a chilly breeze,
You know Sweden or Mexico looks good to me.

The captain shouted 'All aboard',
And now I'm looking to the port,
You know where that captain's sailing to suits me.

Rumblin' ramblin' down that mountain,
Railroad track, I'm never coming back,
There ain't enough places in the world for a ramblin' man.

Rumblin' ramblin' down that mountain,
Railroad track, I'm never coming back,
There ain't enough places in the world for a ramblin' man.

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