Zyklon - Chaos Deathcult Lyrics

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Artist: Zyklon
Zyklon Author
Album: World Ov Worms (2001)
Zyklon - World Ov Worms Album
Song Title: Chaos Deathcult
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 907
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Esoteric knowledge about the last of things.

My sweet eschatological vision.

Foundation for the renewal of the world,

immemorial sins, never redeemed.

Suppressed, oppressed, never redeem again.

The sulphur-kingdom, purgatory, hell`s damnation,

no man will be perditioned for all time.

Where is your millennium?

Where is your kingdom of a thousand years?

What you see is a world of hate, of pitiness,

never again to be set in state.

What you see is what you get.

Evolving chaos, death the inevitable force

It`s your cult, your mission

Misery - a necessary evil

Sympathy - a tool for fools

Death - the ultimate function

Mercy - a waste of grace

Every man is therefore guilty of all the good he did.

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  • Worm World
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "World Ov Worms" album, click "Zyklon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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