Zyon - Chasing The Dragon Lyrics

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Artist: Zyon
Song Title: Chasing The Dragon
Visits: 1069
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We all just fade away, this jungle is too much, but we fight through every waking day, through the pain, through the strain, shadow box to the main stage, we're the main event, we are all dead, have we lost our heads? it just doesn't make sense anymore....
All my dreams are set in stone, all my goals made into gold, but i've watched them fall time and time again until i go blind, i've watched them decrystalize, i've watched them turn to ice and crash and fall and melt to the crust of this earth, its all just a ticking time bomb....
I wanna watch it all come down...
And through it all, i look to the very end and you're miles away, slowly digging my grave...
I am just melting away, you're such a killer, you're just one step away...
I have nothing, I am nothing but dirt, I want to run away from this nightmare, this sinking feeling is in my head, i feel the dragon rushing through my veins,
And tear it out...
i wanna get away,
i wanna run away...

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Other Zyon song Lyrics
  • American Made
    "Time crashes by, I only search to destroy to define me, It's just a matter of time, until we
    Follow like blind sheep, its not a question of who's right, thats just what defines me, as me...
    I am american, I am an alien, I am a man, and that's what defines me...so stay in that line...hide within the shadow, always two steps behind, i can not define me, when i walk this line, Im burning with cold feet, and I question my life, and what will destroy me...
    I am american, i am an alien, I am a man, and that's what defines me...Keep walking that line...So stay in that line, keep walking that line, so stay in that line, inside that line...."
  • Believer
    "She waits by my side,
    Her smell reminds me of a time,
    I tried to stay, i tried to run,
    I keep falling again,..."
  • Bombs On Broadway
    "The name really fits, cause you are still the same. I'm sick and tired of all these games...
    You just talk shit, and i'm not the same, I left that behind, so just shut your mouth...
    You'll never change you've always been that way, you're so fucking petty you'll never change...
    You just talk shit, and im not the same, I left that behind, so just fuck yourself......"
  • Feasting On The Blind
    "Open your eyes, just want to cut them out, so you just can't see anymore, you want the hurting to stop, you want the voices to stop, then beg for this and fall to your knees.
    Tear them out, feasting on the blind...
    I'm so rightous, i am the martyr, I'm the instgator and the asshole, I'm the saint i am the sinner. I starve myself until i get thinner, then stuff myself full of pride, feed me all of your lies, then scratch and bleed and open my sores, until the worms crawl out of me...
    Take until nothing remains, take then break, nothing remains, running in this race, nothing remains, gotta run away, nothing remains......"
  • Lament
    "This is our last night,
    Blow out the candles and end it with me,
    I want to feel you in the fire,
    Burning beside me......"
  • The Last Moon
    "Day falls, I'm comatose, crippled and mangled, I see comfort, the horizon, it sweeps through me like candy, soothes me, it moves me, when i have nothing, no one to depend on, the clock ticks and tocks, it never stops for me, still i wait for the night, i wait for peace of mind, i wait for my chance to shine, i wait for peace in life, i wait for me....
    It's a short race...a race for time. this is just a game...so stay in line. So come on lets play...I played the game, Before we fade...A race for time, this is just a game...So stay in line. So come on lets play, until we fade away...
    Beg for the day, we all fade away, we all turn to sand, we all fade away, waiting for paradise...
    Tonight I wait to die...We wait to die

  • The New Light
    "This is a war, forget what you came here for, and save yourself, you have no one to depend on...
    Please let the sun go down once more, the gentle breeze, the falling leaves, while they bomb our houses, and steal our children, from under our crooked noses, I feel crippled and hopeless, I feel weak and selfish, why can't i pick up my own two feet and run away, run, run, run away...
    I don't have the will to go on, i wanna feel the sun burn through me, i wanna meet your god...
    I mist have spoken out loud, cause i seem to have lost my voice again, the candle's burnt out, I burnt that mother fucker at both ends......"
  • The Plastic People
    "I cripple the cage, The structure starts collapsing, The suit's taylor made. It's the only one that fits me, did i make the grade? i feel the pressure that my bed is already made. So i guess I'll lie here in the grave i made, and decompose...
    Those plastic coated people are out to get you...
    So save yourself now, or stay, fight, and die...
    I'm not afraid, but im a slave to this rat race. Always wanting more, until my cup is more full than the next guy's Ill keep scraping away, I'll keep digging my grave, like a blade to my vein...."
  • ...Show All

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